Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A Preparation day in the Devon Hills

I have been having problems with the side of my right foot so felt it was necessary to test it out before I started back on the LEJOG  in Worcester . My trip out today would be 21 miles out along the coastal path to Sidmouth and then head in land via Sidford and Southleigh and through Holyford woods and home. It was a sunny start to the day but there was a cool breeze blowing from the north which made you keep  your fleece on. The coastal path is winding steep and beautiful. I never tire of walking it and today it was the turn of the Rooks to grab my attention. They have just started nesting and their noisy calls can be heard from a long way off. As the coastal footpath follows the sheltered under cliff  with Speckled wood  butterflies on  patrol in the sunny glades. Evidence of the severe winter storms is apparent all along the coast with washed up debris everywhere . After lunch with 9 miles covered I started the long climb up to Harcombe and onto Southleigh . There were lots of lambs playing in the fields  and the primroses adorned the grassy banks. At Holyford woods many ash trees have been blown down by the recent storms their skeletons lying abandoned throughout the woods. All that remained was the final journey down hill to home having walked 21 miles. No doubt in the morning my legs will be a bit stiff but I did feel a sense of achievement and my right foot felt fine. So far so good!

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