Sunday, 27 April 2014

Just over a week to go

On Wednesday 7th may I travel up to Worcester to set out on the Big Walk again. I am always filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness just before I go. The excitement comes from the challenge and the discovery of new places along with the time I get to reflect on what's important. In contrast to this comes the fearful thoughts on how my feet will cope with the daily mileage and if when I arrive at the B and B they are expecting me! I learn in short to trust God more and me less.
I have been out doing my final long distance training this week which was 20.25 miles and involved 3750 feet of climbing in the Devon hills.
The countryside has turned notably  greener this week and the Bluebells are at their best. On my walk this week I saw several Jays and lots of Buzzards, Yellow Hammers and Skylarks. I also saw several large fields of Cuckoo flower of 4 or 5 acres in size. My route home takes me through Holyford woods which was once a site of gunpowder production. Climbing the hill out of the woods you the get a wonderful view over the Axe estuary before the easy downhill path to home. My feet held up fine so there are many " reasons to be cheerful".

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