Saturday, 10 May 2014

Stokesay Castle to Lyth Hill - 21.8 miles

When I woke this morning it seems that the weather forecasters were right and most of the rain had already fallen in the night. The sun was trying to edge it's way out from behind the clouds and I shared breakfast with a group of photographers .  After breakfast I hit the road and was soon into the hills. On approaching Little Stretton the sky suddenly turned dark and the rain really poured down requiring a sudden quick change into waterproofs. I munched a banana and composed myself as a resident
dog barked madly at me. I left him to carry on  barking and hid in a pub porch to try and read my slightly soggy map. The storm ended as quickly as it has started and I made my way to the path that took me over the Long Mynd and onto Lyth Bank. Numerous storms arrived and passed making the hills at first dark and them bathing them with light. My stop tonight is very comfortable just what I need after a hard day on the road.

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