Saturday, 6 September 2014

Forton to Burton - in- Kendal - 19 miles

My sore toe seemed a lot better this morning thanks to antiseptic cream and prayer. I was up at 6 am had breakfast and was on the road at 7am. It was cloudy and cool and I felt that rain was not going to be far away. I was proved right when about 3 miles up the road it started to rain steadily and this continued for much of the day. As I passed Lancaster university I could smell autumn leaves which covered the footpath . In Lancaster I took shelter from the rain and had some coffee and Bakewell tart. Back on the road again as I got near to Carnforth I could see the sea and the hills around Silverdale. I could also smell hot dogs, the type you used to eat at fair grounds, that always smelt better than they tasted! Perhaps hunger was getting the better of me. The good news was that the sky was clearing and the sun was breaking through. I eventually arrived at the Kings Arms at Burton - in- Kendal. 
The poet John Keats  had lunch here in 1818 whilst taking shelter from a storm,
when on a walking holiday . I was proud to follow in his footsteps .

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