Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Fort William to Laggan - 21.8 miles

The change to better weather continued and I set out from Fort Willam a lot later than normal. This came about because I decided it would be best to post some of my rucksacks contents back home to reduce weight and make walking easier. This involved a trip to Morrisons to find a disused box and buy some packing tape. Twenty minutes later I was in the post office  and my package was on its way. 
Next a trip to the chemist was necessary to get some compeed blister plasters as my right foot was particularly sore with several blisters. My journey today was mostly along the Caledonian canal and then a 7 mile trail through the forest before eventually reaching Laggan. It was a hard day  but dispite the blisters I made good time arriving at 5 o'clock . I had my evening meal on a barge moored on the canal, so time to rest the feet before I walk again tomorrow .

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